The Lie that Drives ‘Black Lives Matter’

Jack Cashill at the American Thinker blogs about the lie that continues to drive the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement:

There is a time-honored standard in America’s newsrooms to use the most recent photo. The media across the spectrum ignored this. On March 28, for instance, People Magazine ran a cover story titled “An American Tragedy” and subtitled “Heartbreaking New Details.” There, staring out from the magazine racks on just about every supermarket aisle in America, was a clean-cut Trayvon, age about thirteen. Those who read no deeper than the cover learned that the death of this “unarmed” lad left “a family devastated and a country outraged.”

Zimmerman met an entirely different Trayvon Martin on the night of February 26. His Trayvon towered over Zimmerman. In fact, his Trayvon was roughly the same height and weight as legendary boxer Tommy “The Hitman” Hearns. His Trayvon was into street fighting, drugs, guns, burglary, and mixed martial arts.

Photo by sleystl

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